Care For Life

We Specialize In
Live In Care | Hourly Care | 24 / 7 Care
Dementia/Parkinson’s Care

Welcome to Harvest In-Homecare

What makes us special here at Harvest is that we don’t limit ourselves and our services. We believe in going above and beyond for your clients. Our services are exclusive to Harvest and we believe in taking the time out to make you as comfortable as possible.

What Our Families Are Saying

Dementia Care Certified

Dementia Care Certified

Dementia Care Certified

Family-Owned & Operated,
10 Years Strong

Dementia Care Certified

Live Staff On Call 24/7


Homecare enables seniors adults to age in place in their own homes while professional caregivers help them with daily tasks they need to maintain the independence they desire. Harvest In-Homecare provides personal home care services focusing on companionship to seniors and assistance at home with daily activities. Unlike “home health care,” you don’t need a doctor’s prescription. Services can be provided for a few hours a day up to 24/7 care.


You may be acting as a sole caregiver to a family member and have been struggling with the decision to ask for professional assistance. A nursing home or retirement home may seem like logical options, but the emotional trauma a senior or elderly person endures when leaving their cherished home can be overwhelming to everyone involved. Research has shown that seniors flourish when they remain in their homes with familiar surroundings.

Our Mission


At Harvest™, we are proud to provide you and your loved ones with Caregiving, Private Duty Care, and both Hourly and Live-in Care options. We also provide any additional services that you request to enhance your level of comfort. We are fully licensed Home Service Agency and are compliant with all Illinois Statutory Requirements, including Health Care Worker and Background Check Act. We can also provide any additional services to make sure you and your loved ones feel complete comfort, if you are upon transferring back home from a healthcare facility. Our mission is to keep you safe, healthy, and comfortable in the luxury of your own home.

Our Family


Our entire staff, including our Administrators, Agency Managers, Case Managers, and all Caregivers have a combined experience of over 50 years in home-care services. We provide care for patients requiring various levels of attention for Terminal Illness, Hospice, Stroke, Dementia, and Parkinson’s Care. All Caregivers have been thoroughly vetted, trained, and have received a Certificate of Achievement in the following fields of study: Safety, Fall Prevention, infection control , Mechanical lift, Observation , Reporting Documentation and much more. Furthermore, all caregivers have passed the Home Service Worker Competency Testing.

Family Portal


An exclusive feature to Harvest™ In-Home Care is the Family Portal. With the Portal, Harvest™ can send reminders via text message, updating the patients and (or) their loved ones about news and patient information. It delivers real-time alerts and any additional information to keep the families and physicians updated. This system provides easy access to your entire support team.

Need more information?

To better assist you, please provide us with the following information and one of our team members your local get back to you promptly.

You may also contact our office at 815-566-5843.